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Korean Journal of School Psychology

Exploration of the Path from Socially-Prescribed Perfectionism to Interpersonal Anxiety in Middle School Students: A Sequential Mediation Effect of Fear of Negative Evaluation and Irrational Beliefs


This study was performed with a purpose to specify the path from socially-prescribed perfectionism (SPP) to interpersonal anxiety in middle school students, and particularly intended to test the significance and the directionality of the effect between the two mediators (i.e., fear of negative evaluation and irrational beliefs). For this, a research packet including measures of multidimensional perfectionism, fear of negative evaluation, irrational beliefs, and interpersonal anxiety scale for adolescents were administered to 267 students (107 men, 158 women) enrolled at two middle schools in Gangnam-gu, Seoul who included freshmen, sophomores, and seniors. To examine the relationships among the variables (i.e., the hypothesized models), structural equation modeling were performed. The result indicated that the mediation model 1 (fear of negative evaluation preceeding irrational beliefs) was significant, while the mediation model 2 (irrational beliefs preceeding fear of negative evaluation) was not significant. This result suggests that the main target for intervention should be the emotional aspect (i.e., fear of negative evaluation) that can be followed by the second target, the cognitive aspect (i.e., irrational beliefs) when school counselors work with middle school students who suffer from high levels of socially-prescribed perfectionism and interpersonal anxiety.

사회부과 완벽주의, 대인불안, 부정적 평가에 대한 두려움, 비합리적 신념, Socially-prescribed perfectionism, Interpersonal anxiety, Fear of negative evaluation, Irrational beliefs



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Korean Journal of School Psychology