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Korean Journal of School Psychology

Influence of neglect and abuse by parents on the emotional problems of youth: The Mediating Effect of Self-esteem and relationship with teacher


This study investigated how abuse and neglect experience by parents affect self-respect, relationship with teachers and variance of emotional problem. Also we verified whether self-respect and relationship with teachers mediates relation between abuse and neglect experience and variance of emotional problem. The results of this study are as follows. First, adolescents who experienced abuse and neglect appear to have emotional problems such as depression, social withdrawal, and somatic symptoms. Furthermore, youth who have abuse and neglect experience have difficulties in self-respect and relation with teachers. Second, self-respect and relationship with teachers have significant indirect effect on relation between abuse and neglect experience and variance of emotional problem. Third, although relation between abuse and neglect experience and relationship with teachers represent positive correlation, the regression coefficients in the direct path are significant in the opposite direction, resulting in a suppression effect. Finally, implications for interventions, limitations of the study, and suggestions for future research were discussed.

Neglect, Abuse, Emotional problem, Self-esteem, Student-Teacher relationships, 방임, 학대, 정서문제, 자아존중감, 교사관계



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Korean Journal of School Psychology