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Korean Journal of School Psychology

Cluster analysis and group differences by the career decision level and the career preparation level of college students


The purpose of this study is to examine the differences in the career barriers, and the natural grouping in terms of the career decision level and the career preparation behavior level in order to provide a indicator for differential diagnosis of college students. The presence of four clusters is revealed by the result from a cluster analysis with a sample of college students (N = 826) from K university, Seoul, South Korea. Cluster 1 ‘Behavior oriented group’ shows by the low career decision level and the high career preparation behavior level. Cluster 2 ‘Confused group’ shows the low career decision level and the low career preparation behavior level. Cluster 3 ‘Ideal group’ shows the high career decision level and the high career preparation behavior level. Cluster 4 ‘Behavior delayed group’ shows the high career decision level and the low career behavior preparation level. Through MANOVA there are meaningful differences confirmed by the career barriers in each cluster. In grade, the ratio of ‘Ideal group’ and ‘Behavior oriented group’ are increased in accordance with the increment of the grade. In gender, female students indicate the higher ratio in ‘Confused group’ and male students demonstrate the higher ratio in ‘Ideal group’. Multiple regression analysis has been conducted to examine the capability of the explanation and the effect of the subtypes of the career decision barrier in each cluster. Cluster 1 and 2 show the ‘lack of career information’ and the ‘lack of self-identity.’ Cluster 3 and 4 show the relatively distributed effects of the subtypes of the career barriers. Based on this study, the ways of the post-research in the career counseling for college students have been discussed.

진로결정수준, 진로준비행동, 진로장애, 군집분석, career decision level, career preparation behavior, career barrier, cluster analysis



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Korean Journal of School Psychology